I unfortunatly will not be blogging as much this November due to NANOWRIMO.
I'll probably post once a week,
and maybe a live blogging post here and there.
Hope to see you all on the YWP Nano site! Ciao!
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Monday, December 5, 2011

It's been so long!

Wow, I haven't posted here in forever! *gives blog and followers smooshy hugs* It's been because of many things. One, I've been doing Nanowrimo (which I proudly won). Two, I was diagnosed with POTS and Raynaud's Syndrome (more later). And three, I've been doing homebound schooling causing me to become behind in school work.

When I said POTS up there in the first paragraph I bet you thought "What the heck?!" Hey, that's what I thought too when I first heard it! It stands for Postural Orthopedic Tachycardia Syndrome. This means that when I stand up from a sitting position, I become light-headed, dizzy, and my heart beat speeds up. I can't stand up to quickly or I might faint. Sometimes, even if I go to bed at eight, I become so tired that I can sleep for over ten hours a day! I was officially diagnosed in November and I'm pretty sure everyone at my doctor's office knows who I am. POTS is hard to diagnose, but I have most of the symptoms. My mom has it too, and sometimes her heart rate speeds up too much so she had to go to the hospital. . .luckily, I'm not at that stage yet. :)
Now about Raynaud's. . .this I think is the worst for me. My hands and feet get really insanely cold all the time, especially when I'm nervous. I have to wear fingerless gloves now and sometimes, that doesn't even help. It sucks and let's just say, wearing them to school gets you strange looks from EVERYBODY. I don't really mind that, I just don't like explaining why I have to wear them. I have this really awesome pink and black pair with skulls on them. Ooohhhh yyeaaahhhh! And right now I'm wearing them. :D
Okay, so I've been doing homebound school for the last month because of all of this testing and because of some other stuff that I have going on in my life (mainly doctors saying that I'm over-stressed). I do school at home for eight hours a week with two instructors, my math instructor and my English/Civics/science instructor. They're really nice, but I honestly miss my crazy teachers back at school. I'm still in advanced classes, but it's not the same.
This all means that I'm going to be home until the week after my birthday (my b-day is January sixth) unless we decide otherwise. I'm going to a therapist for my "stress" (I don't have any stress -_-) and I'm going to another hospital to get another diagnose on this "stress", my mom thinks it's something else, so we'll see on Thursday. I also might be sick with walking pneumonia for the FIFTH time. RAWR.
Don't worry, I'm NOT dying! I'm just merely a strange teenager with medical problems that are being treated. I'll still be around and I'll try and blog some more. I posted this post only to let you guys know that if there are any other people that are suffering from one of these conditions that I have, you aren't alone! I actually found a ton of info on POTS on potsgrrl's blog. It made me feel so much better to know that there are 500,000 of us people out there in the U.S. ALONE that suffer from POTS. How cool is that? It's not cool that we have this syndrome, but it's definitely cool to know that we aren't alone.

I'm going to go warm my hands up now,

Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm grateful for. .

What book am I grateful for? Pride and Prejudice. Seems like a strange book to be grateful for. . .right? Well I don't think so. I'm grateful for this book because (1) it's a great book, (2) it was the starting point for female writers. All of these books written by female authors would most likely not be here without Jane Austen. Right?

I love the movie (old BBC Colin Firth version) too, but not as much as the book. If you've ever read the book and hated it, I suggest you read it again. :) It's better the second time around and you actually start to understand them more.

This post was for Beth Revis's contest, check it out!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A little note for ya'll.

I unfortunatly will not be blogging as much this November due to NANOWRIMO. I'll probably post once a week, and maybe a live blogging post here and there. I'm sorry that I haven't been blogging as much. I've been sick, writing, and really busy finishing up my book report. Right now my mom is actually threatening me to get of the computer and take a nap or something, so I guess I'll have to get off. XD
Oh yeah, and if you check at the top of the screen, you can see a little progress bar! If you click on 'My Nano' page at the top of the screen, you can also see my current novel and more progress updates!! Cool right?
I have to go now, I will most likely post on Tuesday or maybe even tomorrow. Guess what? Tomorrow is Halloween! I have no clue what I'm going to be since I couldn't find a wig for my Barbie costume, I guess I'll be a nurse or something. . .but that isn't very creative. :(


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Button baby.

I was inspired to make that button because of an author's tweets about an ARC of her new book sold for $100 on Ebay. That's unacceptable.

"Guys, if you see ARCs on eBay, please don't bid on them. It's not a way to support the author at all (in fact, it hurts us); it only helps scalpers who drive up the cost of things that should be free. I saw an ARC of Fever that had a bid of $45, and it sorta breaks my heartstrings a little. There was a very small quantity of Fever ARCs printed up, and many legitimate reviewers weren't able to get one, so to see that an "unread" ARC is being sold tells me that someone out there abused their position in order to turn a profit, and really, that just messes things up for me, my publisher, and other reviewers." -- Lauren Destefano

Bloggers, post this on your blogs and post your blog link in the comments. :) It doesn't have to have a permanent place on your sidebar, just post a post about this and make sure to spread the word about illegal ARCS selling on ebay. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Book Trailer WHAT?

Yeah, I know it's not the best quality and I did this when I was sick.
Please comment.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Live Blogging #4

Since I'm sick today (again) I decided, why not do a live blogging post?!  Beth Revis is doing one, so that determined my final decision. Check back for updates!

12:44 PM Starts live blogging and rambling about how I won a copy of Guide to Literary Agents by Writers' Digest!!!!

1:45 PM I finally stop watching stupid videos on youtube. -_-

1:47 PM I have an idea for us nanoers with blogs. . .

2:09 PM My Microsoft Word disc is SPARKLY LIKE EDWARD CULLEN. Personally I think my disc is better looking than Edward and has a better personality. Hehehehe.

2:27 PM I finally start working on my Pride and Prejudice report that is due on Friday. . .I still have to write three pages. *bangs head against desk*

3:43 PM OH MY GOD I NEED A SLOTH. http://vimeo.com/11712103

3:55 PM *tries to kill the internet* It's so fun and distracting!

3:58 PM Pretty internet. CLICKY CLICKY CLICKY.

4:12 PM Currently looking for Halloween costumes. No luck.

5:50 PM *noms dinner*

8:43 PM I swear I just peed my pants because of that freakin' scary face on Pretty Little Liars. O_o

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Word Bird (5)

**I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting, I've been very busy, sick, and yeah so, I haven't been able to blog or write**

The Word Bird!
This wonderous post is about my adventures as a writer, my struggles, and my questions for you. It's called The Word Bird because I am a word bird.

Mood: Tired/Annoyed
Song playing: NCIS theme

Link of the day: Tell Me Tudor (a place were my current novel will be place)
Inspirational Pic of the day

Where I am in my writing: I'm sort of switching between three novels. In one I'm planning, in the other two, I'm writing random parts. 

My current noveling problems: SCHOOL! School is getting in the way. :(

My question for ya'll: Do you like those masquerade masks? The masks that are all pretty and decorated with feathers, glitter, etc.